I love to paint in Mexico where the colors are loud and tall. The colors of the flowers are violent; the incendiary crimson of the flamboyant blossoms, the magenta bougainvillea, striking red of the hibiscus; the scarlet hue of dahlias and the unsettling yellow of cempazuchitl, the national flower which covers the land. The blue iris couldn’t be more purple as the poet, Carlos Pellicer writes.
Mexican Clown - Tony - monoprint
Mexican Dolls - Gayle - acrylic
Mexican House Interior - Tony - monoprint
Mexican Iguana - Tony - monoprint
Mexican Merry-Go-Round - Gayle - acrylic
Mexican Spirit - Tony - monoprint
Mexican Still Life - Gayle - acrylic
A Star - Gayle - acrylic
Bandolier Soldier - Gayle - acrylic
Ceramic Tree of Life - Gayle - acrylic
Human Sacrifice at Tulum - Tony - monoprint
Patio Fountain - Tony - monoprint
Patio - Tony - monoprint
Primitive Fantasy - Gayle - acrylic
Souvenirs - Gayle - acrylic